Visit Poland-Hungary 2008








































































































































































































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Draft of English lesson for Hungarian children

Visit: Poland-Hungary (05.05.2008 - 09.05.2008)

I day (Monday 05.05.2008)

*       arrival guests in evening hours

*       meeting in school canteen

*       welcome of guests, allocation of families, distribute of addresses, telephones, badges 

2 day (Tuesday 06.05.2008)

v    8.00 – 8.45 music lesson, Mr. Szczucki learning of Polish song (room 34)

v    8.55- 10.45 English lessons (2hours) Mrs. Kuśmierska (room4), Mrs. Chabros-Różalska (room 2)

v    9.00-10.00 meeting Hungarian teachers with the mayor of Poniatowa (Town hall)

v    10.55-12.45 swimming classes (school swimming pool)

v    1.00-1.40 pm dinner (school canteen)

v    2.00-3.00 pm sport classes (gymnasium)

v    4.00-6.00 pm theatre workshop, Mrs. Piskor/ art classes/ Mrs. Kuśmierska (room 34)

v    6.00-8.00 pm integrative disco

3 day (Tuesday 07.05.2008)

v    9.30-5.00 pm trip to Lublin-Nałęczów-Kazimierz Dolny, Mrs. Pastwa (Hungarian and Polish children)

v    5.30 pm stay at families

4 day (Thursday 08.05.2008)

v    8.00-8.45 music lesson, Mr. Szczucki learning of Polish song (room 34)

v    8.55- 10.45 English lessons (2hours) Mrs. Kuśmierska (room4), Mrs. Chabros-Różalska (room 2)

v    10.55-12.45 swimming classes (school swimming pool)

v    1.00-1.40 pm dinner (school canteen)

v    3.00 pm-5.00 pm walk through town up to horse riding school, pony riding

v    6.00 pm the summing-up of the visit:

*      artistic programme of Polish children

*      presentation of Polish song by Hungarian children

*      presentation of drama by Hungarian children

*      supper

*      disco

5 day (Friday 09.05.2008)

*      Come back to Hungary



Draft of English lesson for Hungarian children

Subject: Bear hunt


*       pupil can use vocabulary connected with nature phenomenon: nouns, adjectives, prepositions, onomatopoeia

*       pupil repeats familiar vocabulary connected with nature phenomenon: nouns, adjectives, prepositions

*       pupil can join familiar vocabulary  with gesture and uses them in scenes

*       pupil is able to cooperate in group

Methods: drama, visual display






Reminding pupils of suitable vocabulary by means of pictures

Nouns: bear, grass, river, cave

Adjectives: big, long, wavy, deep, cold, narrow, gloomy, shiny, wet, furry, goggly

Prepositions: over, under, through


Introduction of new words by means of recording swishy, swashy, splash, splosh etc.


Distribution of the text, teacher presentation or by notebook.

Text of the presentation:

We’re going on a bear hunt

We’re gonna catch a big one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-uh, grass.

Long, wavy grass

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!

Swishy. Swishy. Swishy. Swishy.

We’re going on a bear hunt

We’re gonna catch a big one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-uh, a river.

A deep, cold river.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!

 Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash.

We’re going on a bear hunt

We’re gonna catch a big one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-uh, cave.

A narrow, gloomy cave.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!

 Tip, toe, tip, toe.

What’s that?

One shiny, wet nose,

Two, big furry ears,

Two big, goggly eyes.

It’s a bear.


Back through the cave:

Tip, toe, tip, toe.

Back through the river:

Splash! Splash!Splash! Splash!

Back through the grass:

Swishy. Swishy. Swishy. Swishy.

I’m not going on a bear hunt again!


The learning of the scene with show. We don’t anticipate division on roles- all pupils say the same and show the same at the same time. Children should learn by heart. The can learn by means of sheet of paper.


Presentation in the classroom, parting.

Freedom of a service flow

Freedom of a capital flow

Freedom of a people flow

But I don’t know about freedom of a tortoise flow


In general, it is not said about any flow because we are land tortoises.


(he is going out from shell and talks to grandpa)

Dad, you don’t know. Flow is conventional name. It is not need to swim

(to all) You wake me up this loud conversation. So, I tell you. Freedom of tortoise flow is not needed because we classify to every of four categories.


How come?


Tortoise can be as well a commodity as a capital. Sale or transport of tortoise can be service. A person, whose flow is free, can be an owner of a tortoise.


So, Europe is open for us. I’ll make a career in European show business. 


If you don’t learn you‘ll make it in gastronomy


Why in gastronomy?


You’ll finish as an ingredient of tortoise soup


I don’t know. If it was in an exclusive Parish hotel, why not? Maybe, I will decide.


Don’t talk rubbish.  You should learn English.


I watch MTV, there is enough.


Enough, enough to be out of your mind


Leave Wladzio alone, he is so sensitive. What for him English?


He could speak with his peers. In Europe, everyone speaks mother language

and English.


O, yes. English is universal. Not only in Europe, but all over the world.


Do you consider why some countries in Europe are united, but others don’t join? They want to be power in a case of a war. In order to kill enemies.

Don’t be so warlike tortoise. It is on the contrary.


What does is mean on the contrary?


Countries join because they don’t want wars. People don’t need fight.

They want to be happy.


Tortoises want to be happy too and they don’t need fight, but none says about it.


Grandson, I know that you are very ambitious, but everybody should know his place. Be happy as a tortoise. That’s all.

(Jagoda is coming; tortoises are hiding in their shells)

My dear tortoises, what can I do with you? I don’t have anyone to leave you. Kasia’s parents don’t want to agree, my friend Zosia has her own besides a dog and a rabbit. I can’t take you with me. I don’t know what my parents decide.

Jagoda’s mum

Here they are.


They look great

(They leave the room)


Do you hear? They give us a cook. We will be a tortoise soup. We must escape quickly.


He’s right. We have to escape this night


It was worth to love us?

Maybe worth, but this cart was badly played by time

We won’t rest. We escape

And reach… all of us!


Dear audience! I have to explain you.

1. Tortoises don’t speak. We don’t know about it.

2. They don’t escape because they are too slowly

3. They don’t have to escape, nothing threatens them

4. Joking apart.

European Union is better future for our parents and first of all for us.

So, foreign languages should be familiar to us. Don’t be afraid of Europe without borders. Nothing should limit our imagination. We should do everything in order to other countries don’t go to European Union at a snail’s pace.


Grażyna Piłat

Grupa I

Temat: My country

Cele lekcji:

- przedstawienie ważnych osób i miejsc dla historii kraju oraz walorów przyrodniczych Węgier, charakterystycznych potraw, zwyczajów dla tego obszaru kulturowego

- wykorzystanie wiedzy uczniów do stworzenia projektu o Węgrzech

Metody: rozmowa nauczająca, burza mózgów, projekt

środki: brystol, mazaki

1. Czynności organizacyjne:

- wprowadzenie nauczyciela i zapoznanie z celem lekcji

2. Właściwy tok lekcji:

Pytania do uczniów:

What are the most characteristic things in Hungary for you?

What do you want to tell Polish pupils about your country?

3. Wykonanie plakatu.

4. Prezentacja plakatu w grupie.

Grupa II

Temat: Poland-what do we know about this country

Cele lekcji:

- wydobycie wiedzy uczniów na temat naszego kraju i wykorzystanie jej do stworzenia plakatu o Polsce

Metody: rozmowa nauczająca, burza mózgów, projekt

środki: brystol, mazaki

1. Czynności organizacyjne:

- wprowadzenie nauczyciela i zapoznanie z celem lekcji

2. Właściwy tok lekcji:

Pytania do uczniów:

- Do you know any famous Polish people?

- Are there any famous places?

- What can you say about Polish people?

- Do you know any Polish dishes? Etc

3. Wykonanie plakatu.

4. Prezentacja plakatu w grupie.